

Getty AAT: Styles, periods, and cultures by region


European > <European styles and periods> > <modern European styles and movements>


Refers to the style of European and American architecture and fine and decorative arts between the mid-18th century and the mid-19th century inspired by archaeological discoveries in the Mediterranean and Near East and characterized by the imitation of Greek and Roman forms and motifs. Also considered a reaction to Rococo opulence, Neoclassical works are often linear, symmetrical, and even severe.

URI original del concepto

Otros términos

  • 新古典主義 [zh]
  • neoclassicistisch [nl]
  • Neoclásico [es]
  • xīn gǔ diǎn zhǔ yì [zh]
  • xin gu dian zhu yi [zh]
  • hsin ku tien chu i [zh]
  • Neoclassicism [en]
  • Neoclassic [en]
  • Neo-Classical [en]
  • Neo-Classicism [en]
  • Neo-Classicist [en]
  • 新古典主義樣式 [zh]
  • neoclassicisme [nl]
  • Neoclasicismo [es]